James Blue Cord Hike

30/05/2015 @ 06:00 – 31/05/2015 @ 16:30

James’ Blue Cord Hike E1 Part 1 and 2-3

We will be travelling from Seven Hills Station to Hornsby Station by train (please note trackwork is scheduled on both Saturday and Sunday so there will be travel by bus from Seven Hills Station to Strathfield Station and vice versa). We will walk from Hornsby Station to the start of the Benowie Track and hike to Crosslands Reserve where we will stay in tents overnight. We will then hike to Berowra Station where we will travel back by train.

YOU MUST WEAR FULL SCOUT UNIFORM WHEN TRAVELLING TO AND FROM THE HIKE. We will change into hiking gear at Hornsby Station and back into full uniform at Berowra Station.

There will be both male (leaders) and female (parent) adults present on this hike. You will need to bring your own food including snacks and meals and water. You will need a tent or share a two person tent this will need to be organised prior to the hike. The Crosslands Reserve have toilets and the gates are locked at 5:30pm, so there is no vehicle access after this time. I will provide a recommended packing list on Thursday night. Please ensure that your bag is no heavier than your age ie. 11 years old no heavier than 11kg. Do not bring phones, electronics or gaming devices as no responsibility will be taken if they are lost, stolen or broken.

This track should be a great hike for beginners as it is rated easy to moderate and is only 19km long with one steep incline.

I hope that you will all join me on my blue cord hike.

Thanks, James Brush PL Scorpion Patrol
$20 cost allows for youth members. Adults will cost $27.00:

Train travel from Seven Hills Station to Hornsby Station $3.50 (child/youth) $7.00 (adult). Travel can be cheaper if you have an Opal card.
Train travel from Berowra Station to Seven Hills Station $3.50 (child/youth) $7.00 (adult). Travel can be cheaper if you have an Opal card.
Camping cost at Crosslands Reserves is $143 for 11 to 20 people. I have allowed for 11 people at $13 each. Should more people attend then this cost will reduce. I will let you know when I have final numbers. Likewise if there are less than 11 people then the cost will slightly increased.