Australia Day Breakfast

26/01/2015 @ 06:00 – 11:00

The Scouts will be responsible for Organise and conduct flag raising ceremony. Guides participate in flag raising.
• Organise Dry boat race (with Guides)
• Erect Stage fly/awning
• Tea and coffee tent to be running by 7am with hot water!!

The event will commence at 7:00am and will
run as follows:
7:00 Bird walk with the Darangarra Corridors
BushCare Group
7:30 Breakfast serving starts
7:45 Live music by Toongabbie Music Club
9:15 Talk from the Toongabbie and District
Historical Society
9:30 Flag Raising Scouts & Guides
9.40 Anthem
9:45 Citizenship Ceremony
7:30 to 10:30
– Individual group displays and Informal talks
with community groups as well games and