100 Years of Cubs

01/05/2016 @ 10:00 – 14:00

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This is a special event just for Cubs, Cub Scout Leaders and Youth Helpers working with the Packs. It is not open to parents and siblings.
Of course a special exemption can be sought for a Carer if absolutely essential.

Cost for Cub Scouts is $10 and for Leaders/Youth Helpers $5

Full uniform to be worn including a hat for sun protection. Warm jacket/raincoat whichever the weather dictates. Bring your own picnic lunch (sandwiches/fruit/snacks) and water bottle.

Please make sure everything has a name on it and that it all fits into a backpack – makes moving around the site easier (less to lose).

There will be no Water Activities or Flying Fox. We are hoping to have a Climbing Wall available.

There will be badges for sale and swap – so cubs may need some pocket money – or at least any badges they might like to swap with other cubs.

All forms and money to be at Region Office by April 15, 2016 after registering everyone on-line.

There will lots of fun activity bases for the cubs; how you get around the site is entirely up to the CSLs. There are no set rotations – just go to wherever the line is the shortest and work your way around the activities at your leisure.

Activities are open from 10:00am – there will be no Opening Parade – as soon as you have your Cubs together – start having fun!

Lunch time is from 12:00pm to 12:30pm and all activities will be shut down for this time, to give everyone a chance to eat.
Speech and cake cutting will be at 12:45pm on the parade ground. Please make sure you have all your Cubs assembled and ready by 12:45pm. Bases will open again immediately after the short ceremony.

Please do not bring Group Flags, they will not be required for parade.

Make sure you arrange a meeting point for before and after the event – so parents know where to drop off to and pick up from.

Thank you.E1_for_Cub_Scout_Birthday_Bash_May_1_2016 (1)