
Patrol night
Nov 15 @ 19:00 – 21:00
Nrityam performing Arts
Nov 18 @ 14:30 – 17:30
Visit Nursing Home Care and Share
Nov 19 @ 18:00 – 19:00
Committee Meeting
Nov 19 @ 20:00 – 21:30
Raft Construction night
Nov 22 @ 19:00 – 21:00
District Raft Race
Nov 25 @ 08:00 – 13:15

Location:         Putney Wharf


Cost:                Nil


Uniform:         Hat and scarf only of the uniform for opening and closing parades.


Registration:    PL only, with completed registration form and fee.


Crew:              Maximum of six scouts per raft (natural patrols where possible).

Plus one helper.


Safety:             Shoes, hat and sunscreen must be worn at all times.

Each crew member and helper must wear a personal flotation device (PFD).

Each craft must carry a spare PFD.

Each raft must carry a Patrol First Aid Kit (waterproof).


Environment:  Water fights are permitted using scoops, buckets etc.

No water bombs, eggs, flour, balloons and /or other littering / damaging substances are allowed.


Raft Compliance:


There are two class / styles of rafts:


  1. The Old Traditional Style.


The raft must be constructed / joined using lashings (rope or cord) for frames, seating and flotation material, etc. No screws, bolts, tape, etc, plus no cone shaped streamlined mechanical formed moulded shapes permitted.

Flotation materials – rubber tubes, drums etc. No canoes, kayaks, airbeds, etc.  No polystyrene. Propulsion is by paddles only.


  1. Super Class / Style


Can be constructed from whatever, using screws, bolts, welds, tape, glue, etc, eg, pipes, polystyrene, paddle wheels, bike frames, etc.  Moulded cone shapes are permitted etc, but no canoes.


Buoyancy:       The raft shall float at least 180 mm above the water line to the deck when loaded with crew and gear.  (180mm to be maintained over all events).


Stability:          The raft when loaded with all gear and half of the crew on one side of the centre line shall not have any part of the deck submerged.




  1. As we are within a public area let’s set a high standard of Scouting behaviour.
  2. Observe regulations relating to the use of the Putney Wharf Reserve.
  3. No interfering with the moored boats
  4. Stay out of the path of the ferrys
  5. No deliberate damage to other rafts.
  6. All activities eg, raft construction, races, first aid work, spare time activities, map and compass work gain points towards the days event.
  7. Facilities available at Putney Wharf Reserve – toilets, tap water, parking kiosk, rubbish bins (limited).
  8. Patrols to supply their own compass, one of two clip boards per patrol would be handy plus a pen/pencil, change of clothing and own lunch per patrol member, plus one helper, an inner tube for helper to sit on, a water drum, capable of holding 10 litres of water and a tow rope per raft. Maps will be issues at patrol registration.
  9. Family and friends are welcome to attend, picnic in the reserve and cheer you along.
  10. Patrols to notify one of the activity team members by 6.00pm Tuesday 20th November of their patrol’s intention to attend and the approximate number in their patrol, plus raft class.






08.00 – 08.15am         Registrations

08.30 – 08.35am         Opening Parade

08.40 – 10.30am         Raft Building

10.30 – 10.45am         Scrutineering and Morning tea

11.00 – 11.45am         Event 1 (The Race)

12.00 – 12.30 pm        Lunch

12.30 – 1.15 pm          Event 2 (The Tow)

1.30 – 2.15 pm          Event 3 (First Aid)

2.30 – 3.00 pm          Pack Up

3.00 – 3.15 pm          Closing Parade





Jumbuck (

Kiwi (

Nrityam performing Arts
Nov 25 @ 14:30 – 17:30
Pirate Night – come dressed up for a fun night of pirating
Nov 26 @ 18:30 – 19:30
International cooking
Nov 29 @ 19:00 – 21:00
Model T Ford
Dec 2 @ 13:30 – 17:30