
Ice Blocking WOK
Feb 12 @ 08:30 – 10:00
Winston Veggies
Winston Veggies 7:41pm Feb 11
Scouts over 14 Are invited to join venturers on Wednesday night at denniston park on terry road at Eastwood at 7:30, a1 can be signed on arrival by parent. Cost $6. The game is reverse tabogan. You sit on a 10kg block of ice and slide at great speed down the hill. Finish time is 9:00pm because it gets too dark. Bring a small towel. No uniform as you will get wet and dirty. It sounds dangerous but isn’t.

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Regional Venturer Camp
Feb 14 @ 23:00 – Feb 16 @ 04:00


Various social based activities will be organised throughout the weekend with a campfire on Saturday night.


During the camp we will also be hosting the February Region Venturer Scout Council.


An optional geocaching activity will be included in the weekend program. All Units and members with GPS devices should bring these to the event.


The Region Venturer Team will also be available during the camp for any Venturer Scouts (or Leaders) that would like to discuss the Queen’s Scout Award, programming, or other issues in their Units.


Each unit is responsible for their own camping arrangements.


Meals will be available for purchase at the camp as listed below (or Units can bring their own food and cater themselves):

Lunch – Sausage sandwiches $2ea

Dinner – Roast and salad $5ea

Breakfast – Bacon and egg rolls $2ea

Lunch – Sausage sandwiches $2ea

Drinks – Soft drinks, bottled water or juice $1ea


Please return forms and $5 per person to the Region Office no later than 7 February 2014:

Region Venturer Camp 2014

6 Baden-Powell Place

Winston Hills NSW 2153


Please note that the Region Office will be physically closed from 4:30PM Friday 20 December 2013 until 9AM Tuesday 28 January 2014 however all applications received via post will still be processed during this time. (Units are encouraged to have forms returned before Christmas if possible to avoid the rush at the beginning of Term One.)


Units not attending the camp are reminded to have representation at the Region Venturer Scout Council at 4PM on Saturday.


****Units are reminded to update this form with their own meeting locations, transport arrangements and emergency contact for the camp.

Chinese New Year – Year of the Horse
Feb 18 @ 08:00 – 09:30
Jelly Wrestling
Feb 19 @ 08:30 – 10:30
District Swimming Carnival – Joey, Cubs and Scouts.
Feb 22 @ 07:00 – 11:00

A1 DOWNLOADS : A1 CUBS SWIMMING CARNIVAL 2014 Scouts District Swimming Carnival 2014

We have paid for exclusive use of the pools from 7 to 10pm, Please DO NOT enter the pool before 7pm. The more members that turn up the points we get!!!!!

Spectators (who are encouraged to come and cheer on their Scouts, Cubs or Joeys, will pay $5.00 entry . Note that the charge for Cubs is $8 and for Joeys is $6.

We will meet in the car park for registration from 6pm, before the Founders Day Ceremony.

Entry fees for scouts and spectators are to be paid to Philomena (Stitch) 1st Murray Farm SL& registration team.

Founders Day Ceremony will be above the car park at 6:30pm. Please wear Full Scout Uniform for the ceremony. we will proceed to the pool at the conclusion of the ceremony.

The activity will include individual age based freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke races and an open freestyle relay.

Your age group is the age you turn in 2014.

There will be the novelty races, Tube tow relay, a baton retrieval relay(duck diving relay) and two li-lo races.

Each patrol will need to bring the appropriate gear, 1 inflated inner tube, 2 ropes (25-30m length), 4 batons that sink per patrol and one

li-lo per patrol.(thick mattresses have not been successful in previous years)

BP Night
Feb 25 @ 08:00 – 09:30
Shooting Night – Geoff
Feb 26 @ 08:30 – 10:30
Clean up Australia Day – At Scout Hall
Mar 1 @ 22:30 – Mar 2 @ 00:30



Cubs are to be dropped off and collected from the Scout Hall at the times shown above.


Cubs will participate in Clean Up Australia Day in the Park around the Scout Hall. No roads will be crossed.


Cubs are to wear full uniform should bring a Water Bottle, small snack and a broad brimmed hat and wear sunscreen.


Parents are welcome to stay and help with the Clean Up.

Natural Enviroment Night
Mar 4 @ 08:00 – 09:30
Capture the Flag
Mar 5 @ 08:30 – 10:30