JoeyE1_Joey-_Activity_Notification_District Swimming
Cubs E1 Swim Carnival Cubs26Feb2016
ScoutsE1 Swim Carnival Scouts 26Feb2016
We have paid for exclusive use of the pools from 7 to 10pm, Please enter the pool by 7pm so we can start promptly.
Spectators are encouraged to come and cheer on their Scouts, Cubs or Joeys
Cost; Scouts $5, Cubs and Joeys $4
Registration and further information is online:
Registrations will be commencing at 6:30 pm at the pool entry gate.
Founders Day Parade will commence at 6:45 pm inside the venue. Please wear Full Scout Uniform for the ceremony.
Your age group is the age you are on the day of the carnival.
Each patrol will need to bring the appropriate gear as described in the event rules.
Patrol Registration Link (PLs only):
Please note the Early Bird Deadline is 1 week prior to the carnivalJoeys 7pm -8pm
You are cordially invited to
1st Winston Hills Scout Group’s
Annual Report Presentation
Friday, 6th May
1st Winston Hills Scout Hall
Edison Parade
Winston Hills
Light supper to follow
Please find the E1 for those of you who are planning on staying the night at Relay.
E1 Hills Relay For Life 16
For those doing the Nut-bush world record attempt please fill out the form below and bring it with you.
Cubs will only be able to stay the night if they have a parent staying with them.
The theme is “Go Nomad” and offers a unique scouting opportunity.
For Scouts aged 12½ to 17 years (at the start of the Jamboree), both boys and girls. IST members over 18 years.
Meet 6,000 Scouts from Mongolia, countries of the Asia Pacific Region, and from across the world.
Learn about the fascinating and unique Mongolian culture, history and nomadic lifestyle.
Activities include craft, hiking, orienteering, traditional games, songs and dances, riding horses and camels, archery, and putting up a ger (traditional tent).
Home hospitality for all youth members.
Email for more details.