The 1st Ermington & 1st Winston Hills Joeys are going on a Buddy adventure, travelling downstream to explore Cockatoo Island, Sydney Harbour’s largest island which in it’s varied past was a convict prison, reform & industrial schools, Shipbuilding & naval dockyard.
Parents and families are welcome to come along. Please fill in an A1 form for each person attending.
Meeting at Rydalmere Ferry wharf, John Street Rydalmere at 8.30am. We will be catching the 9am ferry to Darling Harbour then changing ferries to head out to Cockatoo Island (arriving 10.13am) to explore the convict barracks and shipbuilding and naval dockyards, stopping along the way for morning tea, activities and lunch.
We will be departing the island at 1.13pm travelling upriver arriving at Rydalmere Wharf at 2pm.
The cost involved for the day is the fare for the ferry which is $2.50 per person, payable to the Ferry Master onboard.
Please bring in a small day pack:
- Water bottle
- a packed lunch and snack for morning tea (no nut products).
- warm Jacket (it might get chilly on the water)
- Some money to buy an ice block/ ice-cream (optional)
Uniform and closed-in shoes.
Please remember to wear a hat and sunscreen.
Successful completion of this course will earn participants the Abseil Recovery Certificate (this allows participation in activities such as caving and canyoning).
Scouts must be over the age of 12 and have earned the Scout Abseil Proficiency Badge and must have done the Abseil Skill Day.
(Leaders please fill in leaving and returning details on this form according to transport arrangements.)
Sunday 23 March: Cliff Ave Wahroonga. Start 8.30 am, finish 4 pm.
All participants should bring with them
Bring lunch,
raincoat if it looks like rain.
prussik slings – 5 metres of 6 mm diameter rope.
Please note the practical days can be called off if it is raining or fire in the area.